Perfect Poached Eggs

I’ve never been great at making a perfect poached egg, they’ve always been a bit hit and miss, sometimes too hard, other times too watery, with half the white still in the pan. But recently browsing through my new Jamie Oliver recipe book ‘Jamie’s Great Britain’ I came across a fantastically easy way to make a ‘Perfect Poached Egg’. Thank you Jamie!!

Put a little oil around the rim of a teacup or ramekin dish. Double up a good square of clingwrap and place it over the cup and push down a little.

Put a little oil (to stop the egg from sticking inside) salt and pepper and whatever herbs or spices you want to add to the egg ( I used some thyme and some chilli flakes).

Crack in the egg and then push the yolk down gently (without breaking it) so that the white totally encases it when its cooked.

Lift up the cling wrap and twist and secure with a knot or elastic band (make sure its quite tight as you want a nice round shaped egg)

 Drop you little egg parcels into boiling water and simmer for 4 minutes.

Carefully open your little parcels and serve on whatever you choose. I had mine with smoked salmon and french country bread, yum yum!!!

Sumo Sushi

Sumo Sushi on Soi 11 just off Nimanhaemin has to be one of the best Japanese restaurants in Chiang Mai. With a variety of exotic sounding rolls.. the Godzilla, Catapillar, Spider, Rock and Raw and the Jade Dragon (as pictured) to name but a few, you dont just get melt in your mouth food, you get a work of art on a plate. Prices are very reasonable and we recommend, well everything! Warrie and I love this place so much, that come Friday when we’re debating over the many places we could have dinner, we always end up here, as it’s just too good!
Sit and feast on the fusion rolls, surrounded by pictures taken by the chef during his travels around the U.S.A and watch the buzzing and trendy Nimman area come alive. This cozy restaurant hits the perfect balance between trendy and homely, chic and chilled. If you think you’ve seen it all, and a roll is but a roll, these days then Sumo will restore your raw-fish faith.

La Villa – pizza the old fashioned way!

La Villa, located at Ratchadamnoen Road, is a great little pizzeria, I heard it’s actually been around for twenty years, so it’s not surprising they know what they are doing. They have a wood fired oven so you can expect a nice crispy pizza base. We ordered a Sicilians (anchovies,capers, olives) and a four cheese pizza and they were both delicious. We will definitely be returning to try out some of the pasta dishes. I think the prices are quite reasonable for the quality of the food and service; which is friendly and welcoming!