Spiced Tortilla

Spiced Tortilla

I was wondering what to do with some random ingredients in the fridge, eggs, potatoes, salami…. and found this great recipe from http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/chromeapp/#recipes/spiced-tortilla

I made a few changes in order to use up the salami and added some more spices.


sunflower oil

some salami sliced (or ham, bacon whatever is in the fridge)

1 onion , sliced

1 red chilli , deseeded and shredded

Spices (I used coriander, cumin, turmeric paprika and cayenne pepper)

handful cherry tomatoes

2-3 cooked potatoes , sliced and par-boiled

bunch coriander , stalks finely chopped, leaves roughly chopped

4 eggs , beaten

How to

Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Fry the onion, salami and half the chilli for 5 mins until softened. Tip in the spices, fry for 1 min more, add the cherry tomatoes, potatoes and coriander stalks to the pan. Season the eggs well, pour over the top of the veg and leave to cook gently for 8-10 mins until almost set. Heat the grill and flash the tortilla underneath for 1-2 mins until the top is set.

Scatter the coriander leaves and remaining chilli over the top, slice into wedges and serve.

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